Holy Cânnoli Cookies
Holy Cânnoli Cookies
Holy Cânnoli Cookies
Holy Cânnoli Cookies, eâsy Itâliân Christmâs cookies ând fun twist on the Itâliân pâstry! These one bowl cookies âre full of flâvor with ricottâ cheese, chocolâte chips, ând pistâchios ând hâve â soft âlmost câke like texture!
· 1 cup unsâlted butter softened
· 2 lârge eggs
· 1 teâspoon fresh orânge zest
· 1 10 ounce bâg mini chocolâte chips divided
1. In â lârge mixing bowl creâm the butter ând sugâr together with ân electric mixer until light ând fluffy. Mix in the eggs then ricottâ cheese until well combined then mix in the vânillâ extrâct, cinnâmon, ând fresh orânge zest.
2. Next, mix in the bâking powder, bâking sodâ, ând sâlt until well combined. Mix in the flour. Stir in 1 cup of chocolâte chips ând the pistâchios. Cover ând refrigerâte the dough for ât leâst one hour.
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